
The Celle Seminars_Page 169

Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia

know how much we can rely upon the symptoms he gave because, as I said before, there are no real symptoms. He was constantly contradicting himself: first he gave the symptom of being better in a tropical climate, and then later on he said that he enjoys dry cold weather and snow.
(A.20): I thought of Arsenicum album because it has a sort of loneliness, a sort of neurotic loneliness. He makes significant demands of himself and of others, and he makes himself very lonely in the process. He is very controlled, very intellectual.
(G.V.): Concerning Arsenicum, I would like to say a few words. First of all, we would like to see this aggravation from cold very strongly, and secondly, you remember I asked him whether he kept his things and room orderly and he answered to the contrary. He answered that he is quite disorderly, but that he tries, from time to time when he remembers, to put things in order. Perhaps you’re right, because he is very critical, but Arsenicum is critical in a different way, in a much more serious way. Arsenicum is not a passionate remedy, neither in relationships nor in discussions. Instead it is a rather cooled down remedy. So, you could call Arsenicum a phlegmatic remedy, a remedy that is very controlled and proper and does not, for example, raise its voice, because that would not be polite. The Arsenicum person dresses so that other people will not have occasion to criticize him. Arsenicum is able to take criticism, but it has to be of another type altogether. He seemed, judging from his voice and choice of expression, not to care about what he was wearing, that’s why I say that he did not give an Arsenicum impression. What you suggested was nevertheless correct, but you have to remember that we have to find one remedy for his illnesses. Therefore, we have to analyze everything very closely and weigh one remedy against another.
(A.21): On the uppermost layer I observed that he was trying to trick us and hide his symptoms; this is Thuja.
(G.V.): Thuja is also one remedy that we could think of, especially because of his attitude, or tendency, to kind of mislead us. He did not give clear-cut answers, and at times his answers were