
The Celle Seminars_Page 160

George Vithoulkas

(G.V.): Was that the relationship you had at the age of twenty-five?
(M.P.): No, that was before. It was a very short relationship because it quickly got to be overwhelming. (G.V.): I see. Was the woman older than you? (M.P.): No, she was young and beautiful (laughs); she was like a little dancing queen.
(G.V.): Was she very successful with other men? (M.P.): No, but she was a woman who always had men around her, like bees around honey. (G.V.): And you were twenty-three at the time? (M.P.): Around there, twenty-two, twenty-three. She was about twenty. Most of my relationships have been with older women. Not old women, but older. (G.V.): Why do you think this is so?
(M.P.): Younger women all seem to be searching for a strong man. It was more equal with older women. (G.V.): Do you feel less inhibited sexually with an older woman? (M.P.): It wasn’t so much the sexual thing, it’s just that older women are real people and I was used to spending time with older people because I am the youngest one in my family. Older people have more experience, they can tell you more things. (G.V.): That was the only time you were jealous, in that relationship?
(M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): What about that other relationship you had when you were twenty-five?
(M.P.): It was also a very extreme relationship, but jealousy was not the problem.
(G.V.): Was it a very passionate relationship? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you like to discuss intellectual topics when you’re with friends? Do you enjoy an intellectual discussion? (M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Are there any particular points on which you express yourself passionately?