
The Celle Seminars_Page 155

Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia

myself up and did my own thing. But the atmosphere in the laundry was not very good anyway with that supervisor. (G. V.): Do you have a reaction when you are exposed to the sun? Do you like being in the sun?
(M.P.): Oh, I like the sun, yes. I was at the seaside and I liked it very much there. (G.V.): When was that? (M.P.): A month or two ago. (G.V.): Did you go swimming in the sea? (M.P.): I sat down alongside; it was a little bit cold. (G. V.): Did you feel it affected your health in a positive way? (M.P.): Yes, I walked a lot in the sand. Normally I have swollen joints almost all of the time, but after walking in the cold water and the sand the swelling went away in two days. (G.V.): But did your general state of health improve at the sea? (M.P.): The thing I am most aware of is my spleen, and the spleen did not change.
(G. V.): Did your vitality change at all? (M.P.): It’s about the same as it was before.
(G.V.): Is there any time in twenty-four hours when you feel particularly better or worse?
(M.P.): In the early afternoon I feel tired.
(G.V.): And then you pick up again towards the evening?
(M.P.): Yes, at four o’clock.
(G.V.): What is the best time for you?
(M.P.): The morning.
(G.V.): Do you sleep well?
(M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Do you sleep right through the night, or do you wake up
in between?
(M.P.): Lately I wake up at about 3:00 a.m. just to piss.
(G.V.): And then you are able to fall back to sleep, and you sleep
well, with no problem at all? Do you wake up refreshed in the