Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia
(G.V.): And you say that you’ve always had a strong sexual desire f
(M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): And you’ve never contracted a venereal infection? (M.P.): I did have to be treated by the doctor once, but he said it was no special thing.
(G.V.): Why were you at the doctor? Because of a urethral discharge?
(M.P.): No, there was a big pimple on my penis. (G.V.): What did he give you, a cream or what? (M.P.): They did an analysis and said it was nothing special. I don’t remember taking anything for it. The second time I went to the doctor he took a specimen from the urethra, but he couldn’t identify any particular bacteria. (G.V.): Why did you go to the doctor? (M.P.): Because I had an itching in the urethra. (G.V.): And they took a sample of the urethral discharge for examination?
(Therapist): Yes, they had to insert a swab into the urethra to take a sample.
(G. V.): Did the itching go away? (M.P.): I took antibiotics and the itching went away. (G. V.}: How long did you take antibiotics? (M.P.): About a week.
(G. V.): Did you decide to say a week just to get away from telling me the truth? Answer me very, very honestly. (M.P.): No, I am trying to be serious, I think there was a misunderstanding. He told me I had to take two or three once a day, but I only took one a day. After, I think, a week, I went back to him and he did another bacterial analysis and it was gone. (G.V.): You took antibiotics for it for a week? (M.P.): More or less. I don’t like to take medication. (G.V.): How is your appetite now?
(M.P.): It’s okay although different now. When I have psychological problems I eat too much. I am sure that there is a relationship between my state and my appetite.