
The Celle Seminars_Page 144

George Vithoulkas

(M.P.): No, I don’t think so.
(G.V.): How is your memory? Do you feel it’s okay, or do you have problems remembering things?
(M.P.); I don’t think that I have a lot of problems recalling things; it’s just that I don’t remember what I’ve done on exact dates.
(G.V.): Otherwise, you don’t have any problems? Can you read something and remember what you’ve just read? (M.R): Yes.
(G. V.): After this relationship, did you have another relationship, or weren’t you able to have another good relationship? Were these other relationships good, deep, ones or were they superficial—before and after this heartbreak? (M.R): They were more superficial after that break-up. (G.V.): Why, because you felt so hurt? (M.P.): No, 1 didn’t find another special person. (G.V.): Did you ever have a homosexual relationship? (M.R): No.
(G.V.): How is your sexual drive now? (M.R): Low. (G.V.): Very low? (M.R): Yes.
(G.V.): Are you indifferent to sex?
(M.P.): No, I think it changed when I changed my diet. I used to have a very strong, constant sex drive, and when I changed my diet I relaxed. I feel better now that I’m not being so strongly driven, under pressure.
(G.V.): At what age did you become sexually aware? (M.P.): I lost my virginity at seventeen.
(G.V.): No, I mean, when did you first become sexually aware? When did you feel a sexual desire for the first time? (M.R): I think 1 had my first erection at thirteen, but I didn’t realize what it was.
(G.V.): Did you ever masturbate before? How old were you, fourteen, fifteen? (M.R): Around that age, but rot before.