Celle Seminar I, Case 5: Myelogenous Leukemia
(Therapist): At the time he was living a bohemian life and reading books that dealt with suicidal themes. (M.P.): 1 was fascinated by a French surrealist who has written very little, mostly he just lives what he thinks. (G.V.): Have you taken a lot of drugs, had many experiences with drugs?
(M.P.): Not especially, this is not a drug story; besides, my experiences with drugs weren’t that big of a deal. I think six trips are a lot for a homeopath (laughs), but people with real drug histories have taken three or four hundred trips. (Therapist): He said that he often felt very humiliated. I got the feeling that, at that time, life was something artificial to him, like a film.
(M.P.): Maybe I should explain. At that point I had just begun at the drama academy. I also had roles in plays and I was also involved with fine arts. If you get down deep into the source of creativity, you’ll find that it’s all in your head. You are constantly thinking, searching for the moments that spur you to work. It is not easy to realize all your plans, even if you have the opportunity. Sometimes you just stand there and nothing comes out. It’s a difficult, hard, searching process, stressful; a pressure just to find a way out of your creative block. (G. V.): What were you searching for?
(M.P.): As Van Gogh said, » The wall between what you feel and what you can do.«
(G. V.): That’s what you meant when you said that your life was like a film?
(M.P.): That’s what my therapist said, I never said that my life was like a film. He saw my life like that, I didn’t. (G.V.): Anything else?
(Therapist): He first received China, which helped him very much, but it did not change the whole picture. (M.P.): I have to say that I think, despite all this homeopathic treatment, there was no big change. In my opinion, it is difficult to attribute a change to this LM 6 potency or another remedy. I also think that when I do not take anything, my feelings, in rela-