
The Celle Seminars_Page 132

George Vithoulkas

would not become as extreme as he became. Instead of tremendous closeness we’d see a lot of vitality and energy with Lacbesis. The patient in this case is someone who has had a lot of conflict in his life as well as cramping inside—closedness, tremendous closedness—and a lack of contact with people. If this were a case of Lachesis, because of suppression on the sexual level, then he would have to talk a lot in order to replace a loss of sexual contact. A person in a Lachesis state would be loquacious. He did not make this impression on us at all.
It is important to grasp the main idea before you describe the nuances. Don’t just grasp onto one little detail. For example, I see that his stool is similar to that of Silicea, so I might want to give him Silicea because he is constipated. True, he is constipated, but that is not the only thing going on here. There’s also a good portion of depression. That’s why you should wait and synthesize the case after you’ve taken the pieces that he’s given you; then you’ll feel happy inside because the remedy you find using this method or procedure will most probably work. But if you prescribe according to just a little piece of information, you’ve ignored the whole story and you’ll wind up missing the person’s essence. But if you’ve reached the essence, you can sit back and watch the organism change without having to interfere too much.