George Vithoulkas
an egotistical element in him. Whatever he does he wants to do very well, he wants to be the first; these are all Sulphur elements. What we have here is a syphilitic patient, and Aurum is one of the main syphilitic remedies. We could also consider Sulphur because he can be psoric and syphilitic as well. But when Sulphur is combined with Aurum it is quite a syphilitic remedy. First I would try Aurum sulphuratum 200, and if that fails, I would go to Aurum metallicum. One of these two remedies would surely help him out of his condition and eventually bring back his hair and ameliorate his eczema.
(A.8): He said that he slept from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. If you look on page 1252 in Kent’s Repertory you’ll see that sleeplessness until morning shows one remedy in capitals: Aurum metallicum.
(G.V.): Very good, that’s another point I forgot to mention. You remember in my lecture on Aurum, I said he stays awake all night, suffers from sleeplessness, and has bad thoughts that occur at night; all this is also in the repertory.
(A.9): But he told us that he’d been medicated with Carcinos-inum. Do you think that there could be an interference?
f G.V.): Yes. It is true that sometimes even if a remedy does not exactly fit the case, it can nevertheless bring out symptoms which then indicate the correct remedy. Of all the Aurums, I prefer Aurum sulphuratum for the reasons I explained before and because we know that Aurum sulphuratum has the symptoms he mentioned: desire for solitude and disgust for life. He is warm blooded. He also suffers from skin eruptions, which points towards the need for Sulphur in his remedy. Therefore, we would not be far off the mark if we were to prescribe Aurum sulphuratum instead of Aurum metallicum in this case.
Natrum sulphuricum is altogether another type of Sulphur. Although in this case, we have a child who suffered from headaches due to depression, this characteristic alone does not warrant prescribing Natrum sulphuricum. You would need to see a more specific depression with Natrum sulphuricum. For example, if he wanted to commit suicide but battled against this urge