George Vithoulkas
someone who takes the defensive. I attribute this to my mother; she should have helped me learn to defend myself instead of always giving me instructions and telling me what to do. (G.V.): You said that although you contradicted your mother, she’d always say that she was right and you were wrong. Was that the situation?
(M.P.): I didn’t contradict my mother very often because I knew what would happen when I did: she would withhold her love from me.
(G.V.): Do you feel that you have not received enough love from your parents?
(M.P.): My parents did everything for me, but they couldn’t give me what I needed. They thought that what they did was right. (G.V.): Didn’t you receive any affection?
(M.P.): Somehow they went through the motions of loving me, but I don’t feel that they were really capable of being genuinely loving.
(G.V.): If you’re participating in a discussion and somebody contradicts you, how do you feel? (M.P.): I feel slightly attacked. (G.V.): And then what do you do?
(M.P.): I don’t attempt to justify myself at all costs because I’m interested in the truth. If people are trying to get at mey to put something on me, or if they try to make a big deal about something, or if they’re baiting me, then I get annoyed. (G.V.): Do you become very irritated? Have you ever been very angry?
(M.P.): It’s always been a case of who had the better argument. I’ve always tried to use argumentation to convince other people. I try to have the better argument so that I can argue other people down.
(G. V.): You try to be right, to prove yourself, is that correct? Feel free to talk openly.
(M.P.): Yes, I think so. I think I like to be right. For example, there was a colleague of mine while I was studying who couldn’t admit ever being wrong. He used every conceivable argument,