George Vithoulkas
When Krishnamurti was very ill with pneumonia—he was gasping and wheezing—I could not find the proper remedy. »What’s happening? He’s going to die,« said his hostess. I said, »Yes, I think he is going to die.« Where was my intuition? Why didn’t I have intuition then? She asked me to call a doctor from Geneva. I told Krishnamurti, »Sir, I don’t know the remedy.« He was not able to breathe, he had a high fever and, to top it off, he was seventy-three-years old at the time. I thought, as everybody thought, he would die. I said, »We’ll call somebody, some doctor from Geneva.« »Is he going to help you to find the remedy?* asked Krishnamurti. »An allopathic doctor from Geneva will not help me find the remedy, but will give you antibiotics,« I replied. But Krishnamurti said, »No, no, you try, you continue." All the people in his court stopped saying that George had intuition. You don’t have to have intuition in such a situation, you have to have knowledge. So, I went back believing, most probably in my subconscious, that he was going die. I dreamt one night that he had died. He’d fallen off the sofa and was dead, and I was re¬sponsible. I ran and picked him up, put him back on the sofa and I said, »Sir, I am here.« I was trying to resurrect him by talking to him, but he was dead. Out of agony, I woke up at 5:00 in the morning. I was in a chalet in Gstaad. I woke up drenched in sweat thinking that Krishnamurti had most probably died. That was intuition. Anyhow, I got my books again and started reper-torization of all the symptoms. I wrote down everything in my notes, and I studied the case again. And as I did that proper rep-ertorization—I’d given the most sophisticated remedies so far, nothing was working—suddenly it dawned on me, and I said, »Oh my God, this is Phosphorus« And then I could not wait. I usually made my visit at 8:00 a.m., but at 7:45 a.m. I was already there to see if he was still alive. Krishnamurti was very weak, but nevertheless still alive. »How are you, sir?« I asked him, and he replied with horrible groans and wheezes. I asked him to open his mouth, and then I inserted a high potency of Phosphorus, 1M. Afterwards I left, and then returned in the evening at around 5:00 p.m., my regular evening visiting time. On this second visit