Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia
(G. V.): How long have you been losing hair, since you were how old?
(M.P.): It started a few weeks after the first treatment with Sulphur.
(G.V.): Is there any season when you feel better—winter, summer, spring?
(M.P.): Well, in the summer I’ve a real horror of the heat. In the ivinter I just know that it is going to be colder and that the heat and sweating won’t be as strong. I can’t honestly say that I feel better in winter, I just don’t have the horror of heat then that I have in the summer.
(G. V.): Do you have any other fears, of animals, darkness, thunderstorms, etc.?
(M.P.): No, I really haven’t any other fears. You asked me about animals. Well, when I was two-and-a-half years old and then again when I was six years old, a dog snapped at me badly. But that was a long time ago. Today I’m not afraid of dogs unless one physically attacks me.
(Therapist): He’s said that sometimes he’s anxious about the future and anxious that others are laughing at him. And as a child he was anxious about not growing up big enough, tall enough. (G.V.): Do you have any recurring dreams? (M.P.): There is no persistently recurring dream that I could tell you about.
(G.V.): Do you have vivid dreams?
(M.P.): I have had vivid dreams, yes; I can actually concentrate on them and try to remember them afterwards. Some dreams I clearly remember the following morning. One dream I remember vividly relates to a warlike event: I saw bomb-like objects falling down and hitting an air raid shelter, and I saw bodies of people flying around and I thought, » Oh God, people are dying around me.«
(G.V.): When was this dream?
(M.P.): A few days ago. I’m not an avid viewer of war films or anything like that.