Ceile Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotk Fear/Alopecia
(G. V.}: The headaches are worse from the heat? (M.P.): Well, it isn’t really that heat makes it worse; heat just gives my headache sort of a final blow. When the headache is constant, then heat is just an additional factor, like the straw that broke the camel’s back, sort of. The heat rises up into my head. (G. V.): Like flashes?
(M.P.): I feel almost as if I were going to faint. (G. V.): Have you ever had a relationship with a woman? (M.P.): No.
(G. V.): Didn’t you want one, or did you try but were rejected? (M.P.): I’ve never been rejected. I’ve always really had too much to do with my studies and all. I’ve always looked at women and seen women, observed them. But I feel I’ve always had too much to do, for example, when I was studying. I’ve always made a clear distinction between a woman that I was attracted to and a woman that I was not attracted to. (G. V.): Do you feel that you have a strong sexual desire? (M.P.): It was a strong sexual desire until about a year ago when it began to decrease. (G. V): Why was that?
(M.P.): It’s because I felt physically worse, my general performance as a person was worse. I feel that was the reason for the decline in my sexual desire.
(G. V.): Is there any time in particular when you feel better or worse?
(M.P.): There is no one clear period of improvement during the day. I do know that the moment a demand is made on me, things deteriorate and it gets worse. I have to sort of really pull myself together, no matter what I do.
(Therapist): But then he really tries. I remember three years ago I wanted to bring him to Alonissos. He made arrangements for the trip so that he could go, but then things fell through. Even though it was difficult for him to work out the plans, he would have gone to Alonissos.
(M.P.): Whatever I do feels like a matter of life and death. (G. V): Do you perspire a lot?