Celle Seminar I, Case 4: Neurodermatitis/Neurotic Fear/Alopecia
borus XM in May, 1988, and later, in August, 1988, XM and 50M, but without result.
In September, 1988, he was given a dose of Staphisagria. Because this remedy also failed to bring about any positive results, and because the patient was now desperate, he went to another homeopath. In November, 1988, he was given a dose of Selenium XM. I understand that there was some improvement with this remedy because a change in his sleep rhythm was seen: he no longer stayed up all night, and he was more restful around or after midnight. But the patient did not really admit that this change might be seen as an improvement. He received a second dose of Selenium—this time 50M—on December 6, 1988. In January of this year, 1989, there was a change made in remedies. I don’t really know why, but he was given Alumina 200, with no effect; and on February 24, he was given a dose "Medorrhinum 1M. His skin condition is not bad at present, as shown in the fact that he has only had to use a light ointment over the last few years, but he says the itching is unbearable. The patient seems to me to be a perfectionist, sometimes pedantic, very minute and long-winded, and detailed in every respect. He cannot give in to anyone or admit to being wrong. He wants to be perfect and thinks that he can be, but there is something, a blockage, which holds him back. He is afraid that others will laugh at him. He is very sensitive, and particularly during his youth he was often humiliated. He told me that if he gets excited, he gets diarrhea. He has dry skin. He cannot wear wool or tolerate water, and he’s especially worse in water because then his skin itches. As a child he could not stand cold and he felt worse when cold; in fact, he developed an allergy because of coldness. His skin is better in the sun, but his head is worse from heat. A hot room makes him uncomfortable. He is a warm person. He is worse by the sea, better from fresh air. He lies mostly on his back, sometimes on his left side. He cannot wear tight things around his neck. He says that he feels better when alone but that sometimes he desires company. His desires are mostly for sweet things (3x); butter (2x); cold milk (2x); pickles (2x); along with ice cream, spicy food and sour