George Vithoulkas
(A. 11): Because his bladder and peripheral extremities are affected, I would prefer Causticum. But when I thought of the problems with his right arm and left leg and his oily face, along with the impression I got of him as a mentally bland and passive person, I began to prefer Calcarea as a remedy.
(A.12): I found one symptom that points to Causticum which is excited while debating.
(G.V.): It is really interesting that no one has mentioned Tu-berculinum in this case, in spite of the fact that we know that the origin of his illness is definitely tubercular because of tuberculosis. You were all correct in passing over this remedy because, although we have a clear causative factor, we do not see Tuberculinum symptoms here. We do not have enough information about Tuberculinum. All we can do is keep this remedy in the back of our minds. First we prescribe the best possible remedy, and then the second best. And then if these do not work, we can also give Tuberculinum.
There are several ways of going about finding a remedy in this case. One way, and actually the most reliable way, is to repertor-ize. Repertorization may lead you to a remedy, or for those of you who know a little bit of materia medica, you may want to go straight to a particular remedy. Let me read you the symptoms of a remedy: horrible neuralgia, spasmodic shooting pains; muscular atrophy tremors; relieves violent pains of locomotor ataxia; paralysis of the lower limbs is prominent, with formication beginning in fingers and extending through to pelvis, perineum and inner thighs to feet (in the second degree); pain in stomach and bowels; paraplegia; night sweats; polyneuritis; extremities, paralytic feeling; trembling; lancinating pain like electric shocks; very tired; chronic myelitis; numbness in fingers and toes with extension up lower extremities involving lower abdomen and perineum; extension of numbness up to the abdomen. I’ll read you another remedy if you want, although the one I read before seems to fit the case at hand more than the remedy I am about to read. This remedy affects the spinal cord: Paralytic affections of lower extremities, spastic par lysis; lateral sclerosis; infantile pa-