

Bruises like those I’ve just described would require Sulphuricum acidum, not Arnica. Sulphuricum acidum was indicated, but we just could not see it. This example of Arnica shows again the importance of searching through the many layers in a case.
You all must have experienced cases in which it seems that you gave almost everything possible – Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, and still saw no result. Suppose, given such a case, your patient were to come in one day and say, »all my problems started after I had a fall.« This would be an indication that Arnica is called for; so you give Arnica 10M. The patient comes back to your office and says, »I feel fantastic!« Immediately your pride is restored. But what does this mean? It means that the fall caused a stress, which produced a peculiar symptomatology that was Arnica; this in turn imprinted a symptomatology upon the patient what might have lingered on for as much as twenty years or so. How did this happen? This person is not Arnica constitutionally, but he needed Arnica, and then he needed Calcarea carbonica and then Sulphur, etc. What has happened is that the shock of falling has imprinted a layer onto the patient. I’ll give you another example, one which most of you have experienced, because you may be finding all this hard to believe. How many of you have taken Ignatia at a particular time in your life? The women who put up their hands are already beyond an Ignatia state, and I’m sure that there are still some Ignatias that did not put up their hands! You see, Ignatia creates a kind of introversion and shyness; true Ignatias will not expose themselves. So, when we see twenty Ignatias in this room alone, what does this mean? It means that a layer was imprinted upon them after a grief, after a sorrow, which was later taken away by Ignatia. Some of them will need Natrum muriaticum as a follow-up, some will need Sepia, or Apis, etc. The question remains as to how many additional remedies will be needed in the follow-up – one, two, three? However many their number, these remedies will follow one another in a sequence. Therefore, when we talk about layers the prognosis becomes more difficult; we can still expect to see an amelioration, but the overall prognosis for the case is not very good. Moreover, the length of time in which your remedy can be considered active is going to be much shorter in this type of case – one involving several layers – compared to the first type of case.
Along with constitituitonal and layered cases there is also a third type of case, one in which the remedy is not clear at all. This would explain why you did not see Arnica or Ignatia from the beginning. The picture of the