

(F.P.): And I just feel that nothing that I can do is making me feel better. Driving in the car makes me feel better, doing things makes me feel better, like moving. Tuesday night I was so upset that I just had to pace and I was cold, and I was hot, and I was cold again. (G.V.): You mean that you have alternating hot and cold flushes? (F.P.): Yes. I can take a hot shower and that can make me feel better, then I cover up with a blanket and…

(G.V.): If she takes a hot shower and feels better, can she be Pulsatilla"? No. It is very unusual that Pulsatilla will be better with a hot shower; it can’t be Pulsatilla.

(F.P.): …and then I’ll get so hot that I have to throw the blanket off. I can’t concentrate on watching television, or I can’t sit and read a book. I am just having a real hard time coping with everything. (Starts to cry)

(G.V.): Do you see that look? This is a look which is not Arsenicum, which is not Kali arsenicum, which is not Calcarea, which is not Nitricum acidum. It is a look that can be a remedy that feels helpless, it can be the look of Pulsatilla, or of another remedy that I don’t want to mention yet before you’ve had a chance to spell it out first. Everybody will understand the remedy. She also says: »I am very cold, when I cover myself with a blanket and I become very hot, then I throw off the blanket and I become very cold.« This is a symptom of what? (A.): Mercury.
(G.V.): Yes, it can be Mercury, which can produce similar states of anxiety. It could also be Ignatia because she has the contradictory states.

(G.V.): What was the fright; do you remember?
(F.P.): Fear of growing up; 1 would cry every time I went to school,