

(G.V.): You see, what I perceive is that she is in a terrible state. She is ready to cry, she could break into tears anytime. This is the crescendo, this is what is going to happen, she tries to control it, but in spite of the situation she’s in, she understands that everybody is looking at her. She is ready to break down in a helpless plea: »Please help me, I’m dying.« She does not actually say, »I’m dying,« or »I am not able to eat, I am so upset inside.« Why is she upset? »Because of life, of the responsibilities of life, I don’t want to grow up, I want protection, I am helpless, I am too weak.« All these things have been said already, but not always directly. Let’s see:

(G.V.): Are you thirsty?
(F.P.):Yes,I am.
(G.V.): You are ready to cry…
(F.P.): Yes, J just want to get better. I feel like I’m regressing back to
the hell I felt as a child, just really frightened and scared.

(G.V.): »I feel that I’m regressing back to the way I felt as a child, scared,« this is going to synthesize the picture of the remedy. What we hear are not just words, but a manifestation of a disorder. What sort of disorder, of what type? This is what we are interested in. We sit back and observe: Is she ready to cry? I can see that she is breaking down, that she is anxious. I search my memory: What is that remedy? I scan the remedies: What remedy can produce that state? What remedy has a predisposition that produces such a state? What is going on here? Is this Phosphorus? Arsenicum? It can be Phosphorus, yes, but consider how much she drinks, she drinks only sips, this does not tally with Phosphorus. Moreover, the causation is different, it is not what I know about Phosphorus: closed narrow places fright, etc. I have not seen this type of anxiety before, but it doesn’t matter, for me the remedy is still clear. I have not seen this sort of intensity before; you may not perceive it, but when you are treating a case and the practitioner says: »She has not eaten for a few days; she sits there like a child; she has not been able to sleep for a few days; she says she cannot keep anything down, etc.,« then you know that it is a seriously acute state. You cannot just say: take this remedy and come back after a month, then we will sec what happens.