

acidum needs a reassuring doctor, despite the fact that it is almost impossible to reassure him; so he jumps around from one doctor to another. In comparison, Phosphorus will need the reassurance of one doctor whom he trusts; even if, despite treatment, he is hanging at death’s door, he will still trust this doctor to the very end. Phosphorus will not admit this dependency because his relationship to his doctor is a complicated one, like a love affair. Phosphorus is so open that he can love anybody and that’s why he attaches himself to his doctor. You see the differences in expression of anxiety?
I think we will begin with the case, and as we go along I will give examples of some of the differentiating points between remedies. When the video begins you will see the practitioner present the case and the remedies that have been given. From the information the practitioner provides, you should be able to deduce the correct remedy. The practitioner did not recognize the correct remedy because she was overwhelmed by the anxiety the patient was exhibiting. This particular case does not belong to the group of anxieties that I described earlier. The practitioner tends to fit the case to her knowledge of homeopathy, but the case does not belong to the group she thinks it does, it belongs to another group, it is another remedy. When she presents the case you will see this beautifully. The remedy is easy, I am sure everybody will figure it out.