

what they are going through. It is not easy to perceive this immediately because they will not show it to you. Nitricum acidum will try to mislead you in order to hear your objective opinion on his illness(es), but even then he will not be pacified. If you were to experiment with the patient and say: »You have cancer, sir,« he would most probably react by sinking back, speechless, in his chair, and then saying: »Well, I thought so all along!« If you ask: »Are you happy now that you have cancer?« he will not say anything to you, he will not even cry. Agaricus will have a very similar type of anxiety, but Agaricus would break down in tears and cry: »This is not living! I cannot stand it anymore, all this anxiety all the time!« The highest level of anxiety about health that I’ve seen has been with Agaricus, and because of their constant anxiety life becomes unbearable. That is why when I wrote the Agaricus materia medica I described this state of anxiety, which I’ve seen confirmed again and again, according to my treatment of many Agaricus individuals. Agaricus is one of the remedies that has to be prescribed much more often in our present day society. It is a contemporary remedy. And perhaps because Agaricus is a mushroom and has to do with drugs – it is a hallucinogenic drug – it is suited to the anxieties of our society, which has become, after all, a drug oriented society. Let’s look at the anxiety of Kali arsenicum which usually revolves around the heart. Kali arsenicum will be afraid of having a heart attack. Indeed, you will often see a slight functional heart problem in these cases, like palpitations and some arrhythmia . These patients are in a state of complete loss: »I’m dying, I am finished.« The anxiety state of Kali arsenicum is similar to Arsenicum, but it is more malignant. It might look like Arsenicum, because it is also in a constant state of anxiety, but the panic comes more frequently and with a greater intensity. A person in a state of Kali arsenicum or Arsenicum – although more so with Kali arsenicum -tries to avoid going to hospitals or being taken away in an ambulance. The difference between the Arsenicum person and the Kali arsenicum person is that Arsenicum needs someone to be near him all the time, whereas Kali arsenicum does not. Kali arsenicum prefers to be alone in the house, even if he knows that he might have a crisis. When these people are in a deep crisis, they might pick up the phone just to hear another voice, just to have the contact, but they will not say what is happening to them. The Kali arsenicum person must be in a very deep crisis before he will say: »I don’t feel well.« Kali arsenicum is rather a loner, who prefers being alone to having company, whereas Phosphorus absolutely needs company. Nitricum