

very strong fear of death, but not at a particular time, rather it is more an abstract fear of death that overwhelms them. During an attack of fear, the Arsenicum person usually has to have someone who can help him, not just anyone, but someone he particularly trusts. Arsenicum wants to have that special person near him all the time; during anxiety attacks you will rarely see Arsenicum leave the people he trusts. If it is a woman who trusts her husband, she will try to be with him all the time. She will be a very nice wife, working with him, going shopping with him, going to the movies with him, on holiday with him; the main thing is that her husband must always be there. This should serve to show that the fear and anxiety you’ll find with Arsenicum is not expressed as intensely or in the same way with Aconitum. Arsenicum needs to have someone around, not because he wants to talk, but because he thinks that if it comes to the worst, the person whom he trusts will be able to call the ambulance or the doctor. In short, there must always be someone there for him who could take immediate action in a crisis. This is the idea with Arsenicum, it is security, the need to feel secure. The idea of security runs through Arsenicum as a general idea, that is why he is very fastidious and puts everything in order. If you put something where it doesn’t belong, he is destroyed: »I’m lost, where are my papers?« You also have to understand the kind of symptomatology that these patients will present. For example, the Arsenicum woman will usually ask: »My husband, what happened to my husband!« Why? because if she loses her husband, she loses her security, that is behind the Arsenicum fear. It is not that she really worries about what is going to happen to her husband, instead it is more a fear of what is going to happen to her if she is not able to depend upon her spouse. And yet in the repertory you will see »anxiety about others« and listed there you’ll find Arsenicum, along with Phosphorus, and Baryta carbonica and Aconitum. All these remedies exhibit a different kind of anxiety. With Arsenicum cases you will find some indication of fastidiousness and cleanliness in their appearance and in their dress. During the anxiety attacks the desire for drinking water, taken in sips, often becomes prominent. You will see that Lycopodium also wants and asks for water, and during the interview he will take two or three sips in an hour. Arsenicum will take constant little sips because his anxiety brings about a reoccuring dryness that is relieved by continuously drinking small amounts of water. The Arsenicum person will hold a glass of water in his hand and every now and then he will take a little sip. You may see great anxiety, which is expressed by his saying, »please, can I have some