(G.V.): But now he sits like that and he doesn’t respond very much, just
sits very quietly?
(Mother): Yes.
(G.V.): Is that usually what he does now?
(Mother): Yes.
(G.V.): That is not his character, he did not use to be so quiet, like an
(Mother): No.
(G.V.): John, how old are you, do you know?
(Child): Six and a half.
(G.V.): Can you lift him up to see how he responds if you lift him up?
(Mother): I am going to lift you up John, to have you sit up. Can you
help me come up, can sit up by yourself now?
(Therapist): The ataxia is much better than it used to be.
(G.V.): The ataxic movements are not there, and the practitioner says that in this respect John is much better. This change doesn’t really have to do with anything, it is just a little change in symptomatology. If the remedy had really acted, then John would have been able to retain something. This would be the first healthy reaction that you will see from the remedy, if you don’t see that then forget it. Making a change in his movements does not help his depression. Do you see how he is aggravated already?
(G.V.): John, do you want to lie down? Just put him around and let him
sit. Hold him in your lap sitting. Has he lost a lot of weight?
(Mother): Yes.
(G.V.): Did you try to test his strength?
(Mother): His grip?
(G.V.): His grip.
(Mother): Yes.
(Therapist): In the beginning it was a jerking movement all over.
(G.V.): Give me your hand John, give me the other hand. Do you like to
sit up or lie down?
(Child): I want to lie down.