

Silica, because then you start spoiling the case. So, we see the possibility of Calcarea carbonicum, of Silica, and of Tuberculinum.
(G.V.): Have you had any changes in eating habits, or do you now like to eat foods that you didn’t before? Do you have a desire for sweets, for salt; are you more thirsty; do you like to eat butter more; meat or fish more?
(F.P.): I’m a vegetarian. Since becoming ill? (G.V.): After the remedy.
(F.P.): When I was first sick, and I think perhaps after 1 may have taken Phosphorus and before I took the remedy that you prescribed, I wanted to eat potatoes all the time (laughs), and did not because I’ve been trying to follow a macrobiotic diet and potatoes are not part of the diet. And then at one point, about a week ago, for two or three days I had an unnatural craving for tuna fish, which I haven’t eaten for ten or twelve years, and that disappeared. And now I’ve been trying to search my mind to think if I’ve had any cravings exactly. I don’t think might be called necessarily a craving. I might feel like I might want to eat one thing or another at a particular meal, but I don’t think I’ve had cravings that could be called quite that.
(G.V.): And your thirst has neither increased nor decreased? (F.P.): Not particularly, no. I’m drinking a fair amount of liquid just because it seems to soothe my throat and my lungs. (G.V.): How would you compare your state now to the state you were in when you first came here?
(F.P.): Well, I was at a point where I felt like I was drifting away from my body. I knew there was tremendous illness and I could feel it, but it felt like it was somewhere else and I was – my »self« -floating above that. There was quite a distance between body and mind. I really felt like I could easily slip away into death and wouldn’t have cared. I felt quite comfortable about that, it seemed fine to me. (Laughs)
(G.V.): Did you hear what she said? She was drifting away, she was going to die, and she says that she didn’t care about it, that she felt quite comfortable about it. It was a very, very serious state of things. What I was perceiving was quite accurate.
(A.): How could this be Pulsatilla when she doesn’t care about dying? I don’t understand.