

(A.): That Silica is the complementary.
(G.V.): Well, Silica is a complementary remedy to Pulsatilla and also a very constipated remedy. So, if the remedy has taken care of everything else except the constipation, if this person has come towards the cold side -she is feeling cold now – the constipation that remains and the going into a cold side, it could perhaps point to Silica, which complements the action of Pulsatilla. That’s why I’m inquiring about the state of constipation. You see that at different times I concentrate on different things. Why? Because there is, once you know the materia medica, a logical sequence of things, and this is very important for homeopathic prescribers. You have to grasp what is important at the moment, what the organism expresses as the most severe disturbance at the moment. In this case, if you take into consideration the constipation, you’ll see that constipation was not a big factor in this case. You would prescribe Silica if she were very constipated. Why Silica? Because Silica also appears in »cough lying down« in small letters and in »losing urine« in small letters. So you could miss the correct remedy. That’s why the underlining of the symptoms is going to be very important, particularly when using my Expert system. The main question you have to ask when evaluating the facts of a case is, how strong is a symptom? If you underline a symptom the computer is going to take it into consideration and handle it as a symptom of importance; so you must be sure that the symptom is indeed of consequence and not just some minor occurrence. For example, a symptom is not a flat phrase like: »anxiety about health.« That’s not good. You have to ask, how much anxiety? Underlined four times. This could be Nitricum acidum, Agaricus, and Kali arsenicum. We see constipation in this case, and so we have to ask ourselves, is it important now or not? What is happening now? What is very important at the moment? This is what I am trying to find out.
(F.P.): I’m able to evacuate some but it’s really… (G.V.): But the constipation did not improve after the remedy? (P.P.): Not particularly.
(G.V.): Do you get colder now? Do you feel colder? (F.P.): Yes. I’ve been down to my normal temperature for quite sometime, and I do tend to have somewhat sluggish circulation in my legs and feet, so my feet are cold.
(G.V.): You see how she is going towards the Silica state.