

whether this integration has taken place, or if she still is just floating around waiting to get better. This is a very good report, reaction, therefore you don’t change the remedy and you don’t give her any further medication at this stage.
(Therapist): After the first series of Pulsatilla she was very weepy and vulnerable feeling; it was much more obvious crying after she was better and began to relapse. She was more expressive of that vulnerability and talked about it, maybe because you had mentioned it.
(G.V.): Thai’s another indication that the remedy has acted, because together with the amelioration it has brought out a peculiarity of the remedy: she’s weepy, she’s crying now. This is a very good sign, a sign that the remedy was central and correct and is going to bring about whatever we want. She is not going to be able to jump around within three days because she has exhausted herself, do you understand? She didn’t sleep for days and nights, drank lots of tea and ate sweets, and then she came to that state. She will need a recuperation period. That’s why I told her in the beginning that she is crazy, that she is killing herself, and that she has to stay in bed. You have to force her to stay in bed because this is a precarious situation. Unless you force your patient, in cases like this, to stay in bed and recuperate you are going to have relapses that are not going to be manageable: if she goes out and gets a cold, immediately she will revert back to pneumonia. Once this has happened, Pulsatilla will no longer be able to manage her pneumonia because her illness will have progressed to another remedy, one which you will not recognize. The difficulty with homeopathic remedies is that the patient feels much better relatively soon so they feel that they can go out. This is not good in such serious cases. Don’t let your patients go outside, no matter how well they may feel. The physical organism must have time to recuperate or it will suffer a relapse. Consider how long it must have taken before this disease reached its present stage, twenty-thirty days. Take for example a case of infectious mononucleosis: you may give a remedy and the next day the patient says that his energy is back and everything is fine. Make him stay in bed anyway. Pneumonia: stay in bed. Hepatitis: stay in bed. I advise this because I myself have not stayed in bed; so I know firsthand the conse-