

you have to bring me tomorrow -1 give you twenty-four hours notice – the remedy. You prescribe your remedy tomorrow morning, and then you’ll see what happened after your remedy.
(G.V.): Who thinks that he knows the remedy? (Counts hands) Fifteen people. Tell me the remedy. (Al.): Sepia.
(G.V.): Who agrees with Sepia} Nine people. Another prescription? (A2.): Ignatia.
(G.V.): Who agrees with Ignatia? About eight or more people. Okay, another?
(A3.): Phosphoricum acidwn. (A4.): Pulsatilla.
(G.V.): Who agrees with Pulsatilla! Seven people.
You see, the problem is that I present this case and it takes so long to explain. I could have just shown you the case, shown you the follow-up and the remedy; in short, just shown you the effect of a remedy on an acute case, but that is not the idea here. Instead, I would like to try and really communicate to you, as clearly as possible, what I am doing when I take a case and how I come about a remedy. That’s why I take so long. I feel that this is very instructive because then it stays in your mind. I will explain to you my line of thinking in this case. First of all, I notice the type of person: is she a cold or an affectionate person? According to my understanding, this is an affectionate person, someone who feels. Although she is reserved, she is not sexually wild. Also, she has some kind of religious, let us say religious, drive, turn of mind. The first thing she says is that she cannot lie down at all. This is a very strong symptom. I go to the repertory and I look up »dry cough, worse lying down,« and I see the important remedies there. If you go and look this up in your repertory, you’ll see two remedies in capitals: Hyoscyamus and Pulsatilla. In the course of the interrogation she talks about a meaningless cough during the whole day, but in the morning after – she explained this logically – the negative effect (as she calls it) of the remedy, she has some expectoration. So now instead of going to the repertory you should go to materia medica. If you read Pulsatilla in the materia medica, you will see that Pulsatilla has