(F.P.): Right, but I’ve tried to think about that earlier this afternoon,
when I felt quite hot, and then I opened the window and I felt a little bit
too cold, so I moved away from the window. Sometimes I’m confused:
I’ll put a blanket on, and then I’ll get very hot so I’ll take it back off
again. But most of the time…
(G.V.): Is there any salivation during sleep?
(F.P.): I don’t sleep! (Laughs) Well, there’s saliva in my mouth, but I’m
not leaking saliva, no. (Laughs)
(G.V.): What was her response to that, what was her feeling, can anybody tell me? I’m not going to base the prescription on that, I just want to see. I asked whether she had any salivation during the night, and she laughed in a particular way and she gave me an answer. What were her feelings? (A3.): That you were getting slowly confused, and that before you ask such a question, you should remember that she could not sleep at night; so the question was inappropriate.
(A4.): She would have been uncomfortable if she had been salivating. (G.V.): Why should she be uncomfortable? Because it is a kind of disgusting thing for her. The way she responses indicates that she thinks it is disgusting for a woman to salivate. This is her feeling when she says that she is not salivating. Let’s look at her again:
(F.P.): There’s saliva in my mouth, but I’m not leaking saliva, no.
(Laughs; coughs violently)
(G.V.): Is it a tickling feeling in your throat?
(F.P.): It’s hard to describe. It’s tickling, yes, but…
(G.V.): You see, when I ask this question I’m thinking of Coccus cacti. Now, Coccus cacti has a tickling feeling, an irresistible tickling feeling in the throat that makes a person cough all the time. If this were a case of Coccus cacti, she would answer more emphatically.
(F.P.): It’s tickling, yes, but it’s other things too. (Coughs) It’s tickling, and it’s also irritating, like there’s something in there, almost like glass.