something cool; but when I feel that I need some help to stop coughing
and some relief for my lungs, then I have a feeling for heat. (Coughs
(G.V.): The feeling of vomiting – gagging and vomiting – does it come
at the end of the cough?
(F.P.): Ordinarily not, during the day no. It’s after I’ve finished taking
the remedies, then I have a strange chemical feeling in my stomach.
Sometimes if I…
(G.V.): These remedies are not chemical…
(F.P.): I know, I know! It’s just the best way that I can describe what it
feels like. (Coughs; hardly able to get air to continue)… absolutely no
criticism, it’s just I’ve a very sensitive body.
(G.V.): Let us discuss a little bit now in order to understand this case. I
want to ask you some questions, for instance: is she married?
(A.): No! (Unanimous answer; audience laughs)
(G.V.): It’s good when you have a consensus, that means the impression is
objective. (Laughter) Most probably she is not married, you assume that
she is not married. Now, can you reconstruct certain parts of her life? What
information have you already gathered that may help you construct what is
happening with this woman? I’ll ask another question: did she ever have a
love affair?
(A.): Yes! (Again unanimous)
(G.V.): Was it a romantic love affair?
(A.): Yes.
(G.V.): Does she have a boyfriend now?
(A.): No. (Unanimous)
(G.V.): Why do you say this?
(AL): Because she is married to t’ai chi now.
(G.V.): We can say that she has given all her energy in that direction, that’s
why she devotes herself so much to her students. If we want to construct
the constitutional remedy or the remedy underneath, what shall we say?
Should we search for a remedy that is very sexual or not sexual?
(A.): Not sexual.
(G.V.): Not sexual. This is a woman who does not seem to have a sexual
urge strong enough to lead her into love affairs. She obviously does not
have the need. We do not know whether she also has an aversion to sex;
most probably it is simply a lack of desire. Therefore we are looking for a