

(G.V.): Where is the perspiration mostly?
(F.P.): Face and upper body mostly, but also on my legs; everywhere
really, but mostly upper body.
(G.V.): Do you feel cold, warm?
(F.P.): Most of the time I feel quite warm, occasionally I’ll have chills.
Sometimes I’ll have a combination of warm and chill and I’m not sure
where I am.
(G.V.): Most of the time she feels warm with occasional chills, and sometimes it alternates.
(G.V.): You alternate between heat, flashes of heat, and then chills?
(F.P.): Not like that, because I’ve only had chills twice since I’ve been
sick, once today a couple of times.
(G.V.): Do you have the X-ray?
(Therapist): Not with me, no.
(F.P.): The radiologist said that it’s mostly here…
(G.V.): On the left base?
(F.P.): Yes, but some in other places; he showed it to me, it is the upper
lungs mostly. I sensed that it was more on the left side, but I have a
much stronger sense of heat and sickness up at the top, that’s what I
(G.V.): When you cough, do you have to hold your chest?
(F.P.): Most of the time, no. I have to lean sometimes so that I can get a
grip. Sometimes I do that, but I don’t find myself doing that often.
(G.V.): Do you have headaches with this condition?
(F.P.): Oh yes! I have a constant pounding headache and each time I
cough it gets much stronger. I think the headache is probably more,
and of course the cough, it’s like a very, very, intense flu, this constant,
constant, pounding head.
(G.V.): Is the headache all over your head?
(F.P.): It’s all over, but it’s particularly right here. (Indicates a spot)
(G.V.): On the right side?
(F.P.): Yeah.
(G.V.): Is it over your eye?
(F.P.): No, not particularly. And sometimes there’ll be shooting pains