

presence of disease there – was actually more severe when I was having this negative response to the remedy; it was like glass and sandpaper. It was like a big glob that radiated down and in my heart. (G.V.): How is your energy today?
(F.P.): Well, I haven’t slept for four days (laughs), so it’s very, very low. I feel quite cheerful and relaxed, but I don’t have any energy at all, it’s just like I’ve been squeezed. (G.V.): Can I see your tongue? (F.P.): It’s terrible, sure.
(G.V.): There is a whitish place at the base of the tongue and the saliva is quite frothy. Do you spit saliva?
(F.P.): Let’s see, not that I’m aware of, just ordinarily no, but when I’m coughing I’m not aware of the presence of that. (G.V.): The cough seems to be worse at night?
(F.P.): Well, it’s very constant. As I was trying to describe, the night time is the time when I have finished taking the remedies and (then) the cough becomes a kind of what I think of as a meaningless cough. It’s constant irritation and not expectoration, whereas in the morning, when the remedy seems to have worked itself through my body, I’m able to draw the sputum out of my lungs a little more effectively.
(G.V.): This is the clue. What she says is that after taking the remedies, the irritation becomes much stronger and she feels a meaningless cough without any expectoration. She says that in the morning there is some kind of expectoration. Now, what is happening is that the remedy that was given, especially the Kali carbonicum, has aggravated the situation without any possibility of ameliorating. This is an aggravation of the remedy. With a sensitive case like this you can aggravate, for instance, a cough, and make it meaningless. But at the same time she says something that relieves me: »In the morning I have some expectoration.«
(F.P.): (Coughs)
(G.V.): Do you have any perspiration?
(F.P.): Yes.
(F.P.): Um, not a lot, but it’s pretty continuous.