

(F.P.): I haven’t slept for four days because I can’t lie down, because then the coughing gets uncontrollable.
(G.V): So you have to sit up like you are now, or bend forward? (F.P.): Right. I can lean forward a little bit, but if I lean too far forward it also causes me to cough. If I lean my head too far back, the irritation causes me to cough. So J just lean against something and either fold my legs or sit straightly. I normally sleep on a mat on the floor anyway, I prefer that.
(G.V): You see the labored breathing? Unless you understand what is going on she will completely mislead you. She is going to die in three days if the remedy is not right, but you don’t see this at all from the picture she presents: she sits there, she combs her hair, she even made her way here; in short, she tries to control everything. The next night is going to be a big problem. From a diagnostic point of view it doesn’t matter what you perceive externally, you have to perceive the person and understand what is going on in her mind. I do not see that she is living in the present; she is not conscious of what is going on or of the seriousness of her case at all.
(F.P.): I’m a little bit worn out. (Coughs)
(G.V.): Do you feel that if you inhale you will cough?
(F.P.): If I breath very deeply, yeah.
(G.V.): Just exhaling, or is inhaling also difficult?
(F.P.): I think that it is mostly the inhale.
(G.V.): What about if you change temperatures, from inside-outside,
from out side-in?
(F.P.): I haven’t noticed that, I’m not sure if there is a correlation or
(G. V.): But talking and inhalation makes you definitely worse?
(F.P.): If I breath with any kind of ordinary depth, I begin to cough; so
I’ve been breathing shallowly (mimics) for days.
(G.V.): Her breathing is very shallow. The moment that air goes a little bit down to the lower lobes it immediately excites the cough; so you have to look in your repertory under »cough, on lying down.« She cannot lie down,