

would be assuming certain things, not to mention that I would be imposing upon him the possibility of a treatment, the result of which I am unsure of. The decision to undergo treatment has to be his own, based on his own volition. I don’t believe he will undergo treatment because of what I suspect are his fears around his marriage. I don’t think he’ll say: »I am dependent on this relationship and it seems to be breaking down.« What might help him is marriage counseling, someone with whom he can discuss his situation, someone who knows about these things and can help him deal with his marriage in a different way. If I had been the practitioner and he had been pressuring me to give suppositories for the leukorrhea, I would have confronted him with the question: »Do you want your wife to revert to her previous state? If you don’t want it, why do you keep on insisting?« And if he had accepted that he was dependent on the relationship, I would have suggested that he discuss it. I am not a psychologist or a psychoanalyst, nor am I a marriage counselor. I have gathered some experience from life, but I can’t really say that I know how to advise people on matters like these. I perceive his difficulty, but I don’t want to confront it, because I don’t think that’s the appropriate thing for me to do. It is not within the possibilities I have as a homeopath. Besides, I stayed in Berkeley only a short time; I went away after a month or so.
What I am trying to show are the possibilities that arise with the correct remedy, that is all. My function is to show, on a broader scale, what potentials for treatment are attainable using homeopathy. I’m standing here not because I am more clever or more knowledgeable than you, but because I have more experience. I have been involved with homeopathy for almost thirty years, practically my entire life has been dedicated to homeopathy; thirty years from sunrise to sunset. I am sure you can act also as advisors, as psychologists, psychoanalysts, and that you may have the chance to help your patients develop by talking to them, and by using your skills and your spiritual evolution. I feel that a person is not in the position to help anybody else unless he himself is on a higher spiritual level. I don’t mean »spiritual« in the religious sense, I mean real internal ethical matters: the understanding of what the truth is, a consciousness that is quite high. The very fact that you are there and on a spiritually higher plain enables you to perceive what is happening and to help by advising. But if your consciousness is lower than the patient’s, you will usually not be able to advise him. With homeopathy you can really do miracles. I don’t feel that I did anything in the case to help her progress, to make her more mature, everything was done by the remedy, although I know that some of you don’t believe it.