

woman last November. 11′ she holds to the precautions, she will be line within the first five years; but if she drinks eoffec, she will not go for more than a year and a half before her problems begin cropping up again. (A.): What about LM potencies?
(G.V.): I don’t have experience with LM potencies because I started working with the Hahnemannian potencies, so 1 can’t say how deep or how fast they act. It is said that you can repeat the Hahnemannian potencies daily. There arc people who do repeat remedies daily, but I doubt the wisdom of this course of action. Who’s to say what will happen if the remedy turns out not to be the correct one. I don’t know what will happen if Baryta carbon-ica 10M is repeated daily for two or three months because I have never tried it. Some people have criticized me for my reluctance to prescribe remedies on a daily basis; they say: »If you are a scientist you have to experiment. Why are you so narrow-minded? You aren’t even willing to see what happens if you repeat the remedy for two or three months!« To this argument I would reply, if you want to experiment, then you should first experiment on yourself, not on your patients. I have not tried this manner of treatment with myself, so I am not going to try it out on my patients. I’m not ruling out the possibility that we may have belter results with a daily remedy, it just doesn’t strike me as logical, that’s why I am not interested in trying this method out. But of course I’m open to listening to whatever experiences others have to relate to me about daily administered remedies. Some therapists argue that if you give a IM potency, say for three years, during that time there is going to be a relapse after one year; so if you give a potency cveiy day, you immediately have the remedy there. But if you give the remedy only once and wait for the end of its action, then the patient relapses one day and takes the remedy on the second day of his relapse. This line of thinking does not sound logical to me; what happens over the days and years when the remedy is not needed? Advocates of this technique say that if the remedy is not needed, it will not act. I don’t know about that, because if lire remedy is very close to the person, for example, if it were a Mercury case, I don’t know how wise it would be to repeat Mercury every day for two or three months.
(A.): I have a question about ihe husband. He seems to be frightened by the changes in his wife, but you stopped the discussion. I thought that maybe you should have confronted him very softly, telling him that there is the possibility ol a divorce, and maybe proposing that he let himsell be treated. (G.V.): I feci that this kind of interference is very dangerous, because 1