

(G.V.): Do you have vaginal discharge?
(F.P.): Just today I’ve had some discharge, but I’ve had the itching and
the rash now for about nine days.
(G.V.): Has it gotten better or worse over the last two days?
(F.P.): It seems to be getting better; it woke me up last night itching,
but it seems to be getting better.
(G.V.): How is your energy in general?
(F.P.): 1 am really tired, I am sleeping about ten to twelve hours a day.
(G.V.): That is another good reaction: the body tells you that you have to let it sleep in order to recover. What you should expect from the vaginal discharge is, although she says the itching is less, that it would increase more and more. Such a reaction could last for several months in this type of a case before you would sec it clearing up.
(G.V.): That is good. But are you picking up in energy?
(F.P.): I haven’t really noticed it. Today I felt that I was a little bit more
rested than I have been in the last week. I am still feeling tired, but…
(G.V.): You are sleeping ten hours?
(F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): That is good, you are making up for the loss of sleep. You may
have to sleep for another month like that. Don’t push yourself to get up
and do things, just let yourself rest, you are in a recovery phase. Don’t
immediately start thinking of going back to work.
(F.P.): Well, I’ve been working part-time.
(G.V.): I agree with that, you have to give yourself time to recuperate.
Once you feel all your strength is back, then go; don’t push yourself to
go to work.
(F.P.): Last night I felt that 1 was pressured to go to work, and I said:
»Forget it, I am not going.« I was able to make this decision.
(G.V.): Very good.
(G.V.): What I would expect now are some signs of maturity. Has she really matured in twenty days, and how much? You can expect things like that, you can expect her to become independent.