

(G.V.): I saw you two days after the remedy; after this, did it gradually get better every day?
(F.P.): For the first week I was getting better very slowly, and I had some good days and bad days. I had a lot of anxiety about work and going back to work full time, but J did that for two days and decided that I wasn’t ready to; so I told my boss that I could not go back to work full time. So this week I’ve worked part-time and have taken the mornings off. But I am still anxious, I have my anxious moments. You can ask my husband.
(G.V.): How do you perceive her?
(Husband): I see her getting quite a bit better, she is a little bit more at ease…
(F.P.): Not so anxious… (G.V.): Not that overwhelming anxiety.
(Husband): She has her moments now, but calmer, it is more that she is… (F.P.): I am more able to sit and rest.
(G.V.): This is very interesting, she is a little bit better, a little bit calmer. Her whole life has changed, but he does not realize how much yet. However, you will realize the changes that have taken place.
(G.V.): Are you able to eat now and retain the food? (F.P.): That’s been so for about a week and a half or so. (G.V.): This is the third week now. (F.P.): I had an awful vaginal rash.
(G.V.): Do you remember that she had had warts on the vagina and they were suppressed? Now she gets a rash, which is quite strong and with a lot of leukorrhea and a lot of itching. This is what seals the case. We see that the remedy is correct because it calls forth disturbances, in this case particularly within the mucous membranes and skin. This is what you like to see in this case.