(G.V.): This is natural because you went through such a turmoil that
you don’t know whether this is going to last, or I f you are going to have
a relapse. I say it is not only going to last, but it is going to get better
and better and better.
(F.P.): And what about going off the birth control pills? I have five
more days.
(G.V.): Don’t worry about that, we agreed that you should continue to
take them, unless you feel strong enough to say: »Forget it!«
(G.V.): Still she cannot give up taking the pills, even if she is not going to have sex with her husband, she feels that if she gives up the pill, she may become pregnant. This is the idea with Baryta carbonica, that they cannot really follow things logically. She is a grown woman, she knows how women get pregnant – not by giving up the pills – but still she cannot do it. At this stage I am sure that the remedy has acted, but you may feel more doubtful about the remedy’s effectiveness. What made me so certain about the action of the remedy is not what she said, but how she looked. The change in her look was so impressive that I felt the remedy had really acted deeply. I have no anxiety anymore, I told her she could come back at the end of the course, which was nineteen days later, I think, just to show the students that what I said about her doing well was true. There are certain things besides her appearance which indicate that the remedy has acted, e.g. she grinds her teeth less. She admits that the anxiety level is definitely less, but still she is afraid that it may come back, which is only natural in all these anxiety states. These patients don’t believe that the anxiety is not going to come back; they feel that maybe they are better, but what about tomorrow? I know what she is saying, I know the changes that are taking place inside her, but she will not voice them. The way she presents her case does not show the real change that has taken place. She could have said things more directly, but the memory of her anxiety does not allow her to speak and say what is happening. She only took three doses, that is all the medicine that was required, because when you stimulate with the right remedy, you’ll see such rapid effects. She still feels anxious about the pill, and since I did not want her to feel anxious about it, I told her to continue taking it, because I knew that the medicine was acting. There is no way that she will not give it up. The moment that she comes back to herself, the first thing she will do is to stop the pill. That is why you heard me telling her