

(G.V.): You see, she sighs, this is also Ignatia. Why not Ignatial You
could make the case Ignatia.
(F.P.): In the last couple of days I haven’t felt that I have to weep, whereas I was weeping this weekend; everything was bothering me, I was weeping and crying. But in the last couple of days I feel that I’ve been bottled up and I can’t come out and cry; before it was just crying. I am concerned about not eating. I get upset and I can’t eat and I worry that I’m going to be withering away.
(G.V.): It is also interesting here, for those of you who know Staphisagria, to see how much Baryta carbonica looks like Staphisagria. Often the history of Baryta carbonica and the history of Staphisagria will be the same, it will be a kind of suppression. These individuals suppress themselves in favor of others, therefore it will be very difficult to differentiate in that regard between Baryta carbonica and Staphisagria. Staphisagria is also a sweet type of person, like she is, very sweet, very communicative; you see that she does not have any problem communicating. Do you think she could tell a lie? No. Under these circumstances she could not tell a lie, she doesn’t have the control. Whatever you ask her she will answer with correct information. She has no control over her state, it is such a panicky state inside that there is no way she can mislead you about anything. This is clear in her case, but how many cases do we see like this? Baryta cases. Most of the remedies will present their case. She does not present her case; she opens up and you look at her.
(G.V.): What have you observed about her?
(Mother): She was always a very sensitive child. She is like a little sponge, she soaks up all my problems. She’s always been frail and fragile, emotionally and physically too.
(G. V.): The mother thinks that she is fragile and needs to be protected. This
is a situation that has been produced by the Baryta carbonica state, and that