

Then she comes back home where she has a boyfriend, but she cannot decide whether she will marry him or not. Eventually she decides to marry, and of course the next thing is to have children and then to buy a house. This is a time of stress, and again, under the stress the symptomatology of Baryta carbonica becomes unbearable. That is why we say that every one of us is in a state of a remedy; no one is in perfect health. Every one needs a remedy, but perhaps our symptomatology isn’t aggressive enough to make us seek out a remedy or treatment. One possibility is that under stress the remedy which we already need will, most probably, develop further. Another possibility is that we will develop a remedy upon the constitution. This doesn’t mean that we will necessarily develop into a particular remedy under stress. It could be that this is the constitutional state, and the little symptoms that come up point that out. Maybe underneath this constitutional remedy there is another remedy that we need, despite the fact that we are in a constant constitutional state all the time. Now here we see stress all the time; so the remedy that will develop may be the same remedy – Baryta carbonica. This is a very disturbing symptomatology, still Baryta carbonica, but on a more disturbing level. Once you give Baryta carbonica during an acute attack she will be relieved from all these layers, and the underlying layer, which is much more mild, will be relieved. But under stress this underlying layer could have developed into a state of Ignatia or Arsenicum or Phosphorus. Were it, for example, Phosphorus upon Baryta carbonica, the relief that you would get from your prescription would not be as deep and as profound as the relief that we shall see now.
(G.V.): Are you ashamed about that, do you accuse yourself of doing
that, but you feel that you can’t do otherwise, right?
(F.P.): I just feel that I should be a big girl.
(G.V.): Do you feel very warm or very cold in general? Or do both
extremes make you feel uncomfortable?
(F.P.): Yes, extremes do.
(G.V.): You see, I am also suppose to be teaching the class attending the case. I have to confuse the class a little bit, that is why I ask these questions; not only to confuse, but to also make them aware of what is going on during the interrogation process. I have asked her several questions indi-