people. You will sec the same tiling with the liver remedies. You will see that Lycopodium patients more or less suffer from the same lack of self-confidence, and this is usually revealed when they have to face an audience. This type of challenge requires tremendous effort for Lycopodium and makes them feel completely incompetent, and they lose completely their self-confidence. Often this loss of self-confidence will be exhibited in physical symptoms: They will have heart problems; burning in the stomach; a duodenal ulcer will immediately become painful; a tremendous bloatedness. Because Lycopodium wants to be on top of things – he wants to be the big man – any situation that might threaten this self-image undermines his self-confidence. If, for example, Lycopodium does manage to face a crowd, once things go well – once he sees that he has captured his audience – then his self-confidence returns.
Silica’s lacks of self-confidence might appear similar to that of Lycopodium, but it has a different foundation: Silica will become unself-confident when it is over tired or overexerted. Silica becomes insecure because he feels that his mental faculties have been reduced; this is quite different from a Baryta carbonica case. When faced with a challenging situation – for example, holding a speech – Silica patients recognize that the source of their lowered self-confidence comes from overexertion and that, given a chance to rest, their faith in their own abilities and strength will return.
»I am going to give a lecture and I can’t«: this is Gelsemium. Gelsemium is one of the worst remedies in regard to a complete loss of self-confidence when appearing in public. Il doesn’t have to be a public meeting, it can be as small and private as a parent-teacher conference. Gelsemium is very nice, he is very much like Lycopodium, but when you inquire about his behavior at home he says that he feels like the boss. Lycopodium is quite bloated in his ego; not only his abdomen is filled with a lot of air. Examples of Lycopodium types: The Mussolini type; a lot of women; a lot of people of authority; dictators; that is why in our books it says: »the dictators When the Lycopodium child goes to the school, frequently a jump from one remedy to another may occur, quite often to Lachesis. While at school Lycopodium will be very nice, such a sweet child; but when he comes home he becomes a dictator because then he feels comfortable, he feels that he is in control of things. The same thing happens when he marries: in his house he will feel he is in control, and he will show his power, but at the office he will be very subordinate. He will try to appear strong in public, but his attempt isn’t successful.