

utes! Why didn’t you tell me before?!« Alumina is just not capable of speeding up. Out of this inability a feeling of not being able to cope with the world and not being able to catch up with things arises. But let an Alumina patient go to the university and take his time to studying, then he will comprehend; slowly, but he will comprehend eventually, and he will remember. In comparison, Baryta carbonica will not remember what he learned yesterday, no matter how many times he has repeated his lesson. Baryta carbonica will not remember words necessary to express what he is thinking, it is like a mental vacuum. In Alumina you don’t have that; the memory is good, he can remember, but he is slow in comprehending, slow in expressing – a kind of slowness that slows down every aspect of the individual’s life. For example, this can be expressed in being constipated, which is really just a very slow action of the colon. Did you see the lack of self-confidence in Calcarea carbonica! He often expressed a lack of self-confidence, but with Calcarea carbonica it is not a big deal. You saw that type of person in the case just before, he lacked self-confidence, but not as much as he used to before taking the remedy. Bryonia, what sort of a lack of self-confidence do you think Bryonia has? (A.): Mostly money matters.
(G.V.): Yes, Bryonia is concerned that he may not be able to earn enough, his concerns will revolve around financial matters. The Bryonia person will also appear to have a lack of self-confidence when he doesn’t feel well, and then he cannot cope with the others. Bryonia is not in a position to cope with a lot of people, he doesn’t want people around, instead he wants to be by himself. Why? Because there is, how can I say, an inherent desire to be liked by others, and he feels that if he is not in a good position – that means in good health or laughing – he will not be liked. This is the idea behind the lack of self-confidence in Bryonia. Bryonia also has an insecurity concerning relationships because he is emotionally sensitive, this means that the emotional level is not easily moved, it is not fluidic; so his contact with other people requires quite a lot of effort. This is naturally more difficult when he feels unwell.
Carbo vegetabilis is a peculiar remedy, it is very difficult to understand, and so is Causticum. China is also a nervous remedy, an irritable remedy. It is a remedy that is very sensitive and receives impressions that affect it quite a lot. This sensitivity makes China uncomfortable in surroundings where other people gather, or where China has to interact with other people, because it does not feel comfortable in dealing with and facing other