

ation. The same thing can happen in a marriage situation: A woman is put down by her husband, or the husband is put down by the woman, and they completely lose their self-confidence; they think that they are incapable of doing anything at all, and yet they stick out the situation with a peculiar obstinacy. Eventually they become terribly mixed-up about their lives and no longer know what to do to get out of the circle. This sort of conflict is eventually what will lead to a split personality in Anacardium; the personality splits and one part of the person says: »Go this way,« and the other part says: »Go that way.« In the books it is says: »An angel sits on one side, the devil sits on the other, and then they both advise him contradictory things.« You are not going to hear that ever with Anacardium. The idea here is that the patient is split and becomes wild because of his situation. One part of him is saying: »Go away, leave this situations and another part is saying: »No, stick with this situation, prove yourself.« The Anacardium patient can also be so sweet, just like Staphisagria outside, but, you will not see cruelty initially in Anacardium cases, that usually comes later on. When you see the cruelty, you usually will not see the lack of self-confidence; it is almost either the cruelty or the lack of self-confidence. Sometimes when you see an individual who lacks self-confidence, you see a very soft Anacardium who cannot push himself, he cannot bring himself to go forward.
The lack of self-confidence in Anacardium arises after a certain moment, a conflict; it is not genetically inherited. With Baryta carbonica things are different. Baryta carbonica is born without a sense of self-confidence to begin with. He usually feels that his mind is not strong enough to cope with the demands of life. A Baryta carbonica child realizes at a very young age that all the other children are more clever, more intelligent, than he is. That’s why Baryta carbonica will withdraw, will not talk, will remain silent in almost any situation, and will not dare to take any initiative. His lack of self-confidence is due to a lack of energy, a lack of intelligence, a deficiency in his ability to remember; Baryta carbonica is in some sense mentally retarded. Anacardium is not mentally retarded, on the contrary, he is extremely capable. He may be first in his class and have excellent notes. He might be capable of excellent work until someone says, »you made a mess,« then the conflict arises and produces a state of Anacardium. The person then finds himself stuck in a situation in which his lack of self-confidence increases. In comparison, a lack of self-confidence is almost genetic with Baryta carbonica: »I can’t concentrate, I cannot find that out, I