(G. V.): I wouldn’t dare to do it because I don’t see why Calcarea carbonica is now indicated. If I gave him Calcarea carbonica, it is possible that I may aggravate him and put him on a negative course. I don’t want to spoil what’s already been accomplished.
(G.V.): Now I would like to do some differential diagnosis in self-confidence; are you interested? (A.): Yes.
(G.V.): The remedy that is most prominent in the repertory is Anacardium. The first thing that I have to say is that you have to put Baryta carbonica at least as high as Anacardium; that means that Baryta carbonica has to be in capital letters there. The two main remedies for want of self-confidence are Anacardium and Baryta carbonica. I will do a differential diagnosis of these two remedies to show you the difference between them. The phrase is the same: »want of self-confidence,« but the actual appearance of the patient in front of you suffering from a lack of self-confidence is going to be completely different. First of all, you also have to remember that, although Anacardium is said to be a very cruel remedy, many times it will appear as a very soft person. The Anacardium state can come about after the individual has had a conflict with somebody else. It is not going to be an external conflict, but rather of the sort where, for example, the superior, the parents, the boss, the director – whoever is higher than the individual -has said something to the person to put him down. The person can be very good, excellent in his work, but after being told that he is no good the Anacardium state arises. It seems that Anacardium patients believe absolutely that they are not good, that they have no ability to perform what they are asked to. There is a conflict there between their actual ability – which is very high – and their belief of what they can deliver, which is actually very low. The Anacardium person doubts his own capabilities to the extent that he will almost refuse to take a promotion, refuse to take the least responsibility, refuse to do the most elementary work in his profession because he has completely lost his self-confidence. The conflict can escalate and his feelings of inferiority increase, because the moment he loses his self-confidence, his ability to work well and efficiently also goes down. This results in a vicious circle: he is reprimanded or criticized more and more, his work continues to sink even further and further, and then he becomes more and more insecure. There is a peculiarity with Anacardium: In this situation it would be natural for such a man to just leave his job and go away, instead the Anacardium sticks to the situation because he wants to prove himself. Despite this tremendous lack of self-confidence he will keep on in the situ-