

that these extrasystoles, he says, are triggered by some emotional kind of stress shows that he has kept certain things unresolved inside which he now feels he has to settle out. What do you think these things are that he’s kept bottled up inside? (A.): Profession.
(G.V.): What happens in his profession? Can anybody tell me more specifically?
(A. 1): He is not satisfied. (A.2): He compares himself to others. (A.3): He is uneducated in what he is doing. (A.4): He worries about not having enough money. (A.5): Maybe he is looking for a task or a mission in his life. (A.6): He has become a father and he has the responsibility for his family. (A.7): He doesn’t get approval.
(G.V.): Yes, I am interested in that. Why does he need approval? Why is he insecure? What happened in his life to make him insecure? (A.): He did something completely stupid according to his father: bio-energetic therapy; then he stopped it and began gardening, which is even more stupid for an intellectual person, and now he is looking for something real. (G.V.): But when did he lose his self-confidence, at what point? What has happened? It must have happened during a conflict between him and his father, where his father said, »you are stupid!« and he took that too seriously. His father did not approve of what he wanted to do . His father told him: »We have a good business, you will have a good position. Bio-energetic therapy is stupid!« It is this kind of thing which caused him to feel a kind of insecurity, a complex. Now, when he asks himself if he is good enough, the palpitations start. He will have to resolve this, but not intellectually; I feel that his heart will settle down once he settles this question. That means once he becomes successful and feels more secure in himself and what he is doing, the heart problem will be solved. It is not a big deal, it is just a sensitivity; so that when the emotions are stressed on that level, they bring on some palpitations. He has to do some work himself now and find out why he is having this; or maybe a new picture of another remedy will come up and will fix that; or the Calcarea carbonica will keep on working until it is completely gone. Whatever happens, the heart complaints will disappear with his feelings of insecurity, once he believes in himself.
(A.): Is it possible that he will be helped by another dose of Calcarea carbonica!