

am much better.
(G.V.): Which side do you sleep on?
(M.P.): The right side, I prefer that.
(G.V.): Have you been eating more sweets lately?
(M.P.): Yes, I like sweets, I like Kit-Kats and things like that.
(G.V.): Has it increased?
(M.P.): No, I think I probably have as much as I used to; I’ve got a
sweet tooth you see.
(G.V.): Do you see how close he comes to Lycopodium? Still you must not give it. Sometimes I can see a picture that is so close to a remedy, Phosphorus for example, so why not give it? No, wait if he is doing so well. If he were suffering as he was before, and you saw a distinct picture of a remedy, then I would say that you should give it, but not under these circumstances. Let us see what happened after ten months. This follow-up I think was in February:
(G.V.): Well, how are things going?
(M.P.): Well, I felt after I had the first remedy I had an increase in the level of my health: I put weight on, my digestive symptoms became much better, now they don’t trouble me at all.
(G.V.): The digestive problems don’t bother him at all. Where is the
Lycopodium picture now? It is gone! It was transient, it was passive.
(M.P.): …so I kind of stabilized at this certain level, but I still feel that I
have to go further.
(G.V.): What bothers you now the most? Your heart?
(M.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): You see that the heart problem persists, the misbeat and that
extrasystole are still there from time to time. What are you going to do