

right-sided than anything, it seems to come up from here sometimes.
(G.V.): What shall we do? Who says Lycopodium? Who says we should wait? Okay, we will wait. Why? He spells out so clearly some symptoms of Lycopodium, why wait? Because he is so much better that maybe this phase, which appears to be Lycopodium, is not really Lycopodium, but just looks like Lycopodium. If we see that it continues to bother him, we’d give another remedy. But don’t just jump and give another remedy for little things like that, because you’ll spoil your cases. Take this man for example: he is doing beautifully, but if you respond to all his little symptoms with other remedies, for example, Lycopodium for his digestion; then Carbo vegetabilis for some other disturbance, then Colocynthis because of some pains; then Staphisagria; etc., eventually you’ll get lost in a labyrinth of remedies and spoil the case just because you wanted to make things better.
(G. V.): Do you wake up more often refreshed or unrefreshed? (M.P.): I used to wake up quite unrefreshed, but since I’ve been feeling better I wake up in the morning pretty good. The only thing I was going to mention is that sometimes I get like a fullness in my stomach, quite often in the mornings after breakfast. It seems to be centered in my heart, my tummy is very full and sort of feels that my food is not being digested. Then I can feel my heart, and I can feel it beating. But I don’t wish to complain, because I am actually much better.
(G.V.): I have cases on video in which the person was treated by a homeopath and he said: »I had this remedy and I was feeling so much better, and I went and told the practitioner that I am much better, but still he gave me another remedy. After the second remedy he gave me, I never felt well.« And then the patient suffers for another three years, and finally he comes to me after having taken twenty more remedies. Well, he was doing beautifully with the first remedy; so you would just leave him alone. It is very difficult to find the remedy.
(G. V.): …trying to find out something to complain about?
(M.P.): Well no, the last things left, you know, but I mean generally I