

most, where we see a tendency towards easily getting sunstroke? If you have a history of a person who says that he’s had three, four, five cases of sunstroke in their life, you’d think of Natrum carbonicum for one, Glonoinum. Pulsatilla can also experience sunstroke, as can Natrum muri-aticum and Belladonna, but I am concerned with the two main remedies here, Natrum carbonicum and Glonoinum. He is aggravated by cold; so we turn our attention towards cold remedies that have anxiety states. What kind of anxiety? The kind of anxiety that he describes.
(G.V.): Are you a very neat person, in terms of your clothes and things? (M.P.): No, the opposite.
(G.V.): Did you see that? Why did I ask this question? Because of Arsenicum. I immediately ask the next question about his fastidiousness, though I can see how he is dressed. But still, for the sake of teaching, we have to come out with this. He answers that he is not neat. This is a good answer because it helps eliminate some possibilities. If you see Arsenicum confirmed again and again, then you would forget about this one point. However, you should not just throw out the point in order to get an easy confirmation of Arsenicum. Why does he wear his hair like that? Is it possible that an Arsenicum would be like that? (A.): No.
(G.V.): Arsenicum will be very well combed, that is typically Arsenicum, but maybe he is an atypical Arsenicum.
(M.P.): My wife is always saying that I leave everything on a heap or I
don’t wash enough and all this business; so… I am not a person for
(G.V.): What are you doing now professionally?
(M.P.): Bio-energetic.
(G.V.): He is a bio-energetic therapist. His wife says he does not wash enough. Now, if his wife says he does not wash enough, which remedy comes to mind? Sulphur. Is there a possibility that Sulphur will have this