thoughts about exacdy what had happened which I never expressed to anyone, but that is not really important.
(G.V.): I want to show you now one more case of an anxiety state, in order
to see if you can differentiate in this case and find the remedy. After the
introduction I gave you about differentiating anxiety states, I would like to
see if you can recognize the state and its corresponding remedy. It doesn’t
have to be within the remedies I gave you. You are going to have a difficult
time with this case.
What remedy does the patient look like? Is this a Natrum muriaticum case?
What other remedy may it be, if he is in an anxiety state?
(A.): Ignatia.
(A.): Lycopodiwn.
(G.V.): Why Lycopodiuml Can anybody say why?
(A.): He does what he wants.
(G.V.): He looks like a very strong person, doesn’t he?
(A.): He looked suspicious to me, but just for a moment.
(A.): He is pretending.
(G.V.): What is your problem?
(M.P.): Well, more recently my heart. For the last three years I’ve been
getting irregular tremblings, some palpitations, like tachycardia
(G.V.): Is it as if your heart skips a beat, or…?
(M.P.): Sometimes it is like a tremble or aflutter, and sometimes it is
just like a kick. This is how I can best describe it, really.
(G.V.): Have you been examined by a cardiologist? During that
episode, did you have a cardiogram done?
(M.P.): I had an ECG done, which was normal, and the doctor said that
he felt that these things were more an emotional reaction. He said they
were most likely atopic beats, or extrasystoles.
(G.V.): Yes, extrasy stoles, but did he catch any of this on the ECG?
(M.P.): No. But this whole thing goes back quite afar way, perhaps ten
years, that is really when the whole thing started. Not these flutters,
these I’ve only had three years or so, but perhaps, yes, ten years ago I
became unwell, and they said I had high blood pressure.
(G.V.): Did you have high blood pressure?