
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 168

         G.V.: I was talking about causation. Psorinum is one of the main   remedies  with  financial  problems  as  a  causative factor.
Causation:                     Psorinum as well as Rhus toxicodendron

financial problems        have a very specific sensitivity concer­ning the wellbeing of their son. A very strange phenomenon.

The anxiety about their son (not their daughter!) is beyond any
logic. They have to go to pick their son up from school. Even if their

Anxiety about              son is 15, 16 years old, still they have to go

children                        and fetch him, to prevent him from having an

accident e.g. They have to know at all times where their son is. “Where is the party? At what time shall I come to get you?” Not the daughter – it’s about the son.

In this fear about the son, two remedies are prominent: Rhus toxicodendron and Psorinum. What I am saying here may seem strange, but I have seen it repeatedly, in Psorinum and in Rhus toxicodendron. The patient really understands that the anxiety is beyond logic, but cannot control it.

So, Psorinum is also one of the remedies which can go into a

Anxiety about the            state of anguish, a state of extreme anxiety.

future concerning          But the anxiety usually has the insecurity about financial security           their own future as an underlying basis. They

usually feel that the finances or the material security is not solid

anymore. The moment they feel that, Psorinum  

States of anxiety           persons  go   into  anxiety  states,   and

during the night            especially in the night. They get up during the

night and walk up and down the floor in anguish, (imitates the behaviour)