
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 165

Phosphorus is finished as soon as the child’s fever rises or if it has a spasm. Phosphorus can go into a panic attack, but never Natrium muriaticum.

You see, the causative factor is important many times. Why did the panic attacks start? There are remedies which are sensitive to financial matters.

Remedies like Calcarea fluorica, Arsenicum, Psorinum. They are sensitive to a particular aspect in life: finances. Once they feel insecure about that matter, Psorinum will go into tremendous panic attacks. But not Phosphorus.

Phosphorus will say: “Oh, we will find a way.” It will immediately borrow money from a friend or find another way.

Natrium muriaticum will worry: “How could I possibly call somebody and tell them? It’s impossible for me to call someone and ask for money!” They immediately feel the ridicule.

So once you understand all these factors, really understand the constitution of the person, it is much easier to make the differential diagnosis. Because you look through the case, not only on the surface, the panic attacks alone. Your mind goes through it all and puts together a lot of other information.

In the end we will have some time for questions and answers. You know, masters are like bells. If nobody rings them, they won’t make a sound, (audience smiles)

So, if you want answers, you have to ask the right questions. You have to stimulate the bell… I’m sorry for this self-promotion… I thought I had overcome this a long time ago… (audience smiles)