
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 161

When the friend leaves, Phosphorus stays alone again, and after one hour, two hours the panic state comes back.

Then we see these characteristics: Phosphorus will need a lot of water. A lot of salt and a lot of water. Just like Natrium muriaticum, Phosphorus needs a lot of salt and a lot of water. They are easily dehydrated.

But Natrium muriaticum is very different from Phos­phorus.

Besides: Don’t ever tell a Phosphorus case that he is going to have an aggravation. He is so suggestible that this will produce the aggravation before he even gets the remedy. I remember a case (it was in my first years), where I told the patient: “Maybe you will have some irritation”, but I did not explain about the possible aggravations etc. I had prescribed Phosphorus.

He bought the remedy, but for two or three months he only carried it in his pocket. He would not take it, because of the fear of the aggravation. I had no idea what was happening. After three months I received a phone call. He was standing at a train station, all alone. He was in the midst of a big panic attack.

He said: “I have your remedy in my pocket – should I take it now?” I said: “Yes!! Take it now!” (audience laughs)

But the patient kept asking: “But what is going to happen? What is it going to do with me?” – “Nothing is going to happen with you.” – “But you said the remedy might cause an aggravation…” – “Don’t worry, don’t worry, just take the remedy!” – “But I am going to die, I am going to die!” – “No, don’t die, don’t die, just take the remedy!” (lots of merriness in the audience)