He comes for a consultation and he is open, full of attention for you. What ever you are going to say is very important to him, and he will listen. He will sit leaning forward, open towards you.
Natrium muriaticum will sit leaning backwards, like: “Wait a moment – what do you want from me?”
Phosphorus does not mind. He wants communication. He lives through communication, especially when he feels secure. And
with a doctor there is security. He thinks:
Panic attacks end
‘Now I am here, there is no problem. The when doctor tells
doctor will give me something, maybe even them everything
say: ‘Oh, there is no problem, everything is is okay
okay!'” His panic attacks will stop right there, because the doctor tells him everything is okay.
The same with Kalium arsenicosum? Forget it! Remember my example of the woman? People were telling her: “Vithoulkas is here, don’t worry, he will take care of you!” But she couldn’t stop shaking, remained full of fear. You can’t comfort them, forget it.
With Phosphorus it’s the contrary. Such a person makes an enjoyable patient for the homeopath because he is impressionable and trusting. The Phosphorus patient believes in what the prescriber tells him and follows directions willingly and with effusive gratitude.
Right from the first interview, the patient views the prescriber as a friend, shaking his hand warmly, sitting forward on the seat, and perhaps reaching out to touch the prescriber’s hand or wrist when emphasising a point. This patient gives symptoms freely, without holding back.